As it’s Stress Awareness Month throughout April, we’ve put together a brief guide to help you manage stress at work.
Stress is a serious mental health issue, which if left untreated, can cause serious problems, like insomnia, depression and fatigue.
To first manage your stress at work, you need to know whether you’re showing the signs of stress. Here’s what to look out for:
Tiredness | Anxiety |
Tight chest | Tearfulness |
Indigestion | Mood swings |
Headaches | Lack of motivation |
Appetite and weight changes | Feeling low |
Although not an exhaustive list, these are the most common symptoms of stress.
Although stress isn’t exclusive to the workplace, it’s far more common to see stress develop as a work-related illness. According to SECE Mind the common causes of stress in the workplace are:
Too much or too little to do | Unclear expectations |
Work that is too easy or too hard | Conflicting messages |
Deadlines approaching | Lack of managerial support |
Physically demanding work | Shift work |
Poor communication from employer | Lack of control |
There are other causes of stress in the workplace, but we’ve listed the most common ones here.
Taking steps to deal with stress in any way you can will help prevent some of the symptoms of stress. Picking and choosing the most appropriate solution(s) for you is a good place to start. Remember, not everything on the list has to be done to de-stress at work!
For more info and mental health support, visit SECE Mind’s website, they have excellent resources and guidance for people living with mental health issues.
Want to learn more about being mentally healthy at work, download Mind’s great guide!
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